MEC VP Albert Garcia Gets the Heck Out of Dodge.....

NWA MEC Vice President RESIGNS.......

All Is Not OK, At The House of AFA Corral-

Northwest MEC Ruled by Gun Slinging Thug Mentality; Chaos Reigns as Village Sheriff is Out of Town.......

We mentioned last month, all was NOT well in the AFA House of Cards. We even suggested more resignations were expected.......but who would have expected the AFA Poster Boy and Vice President himself, Albert Garcia????

Guess, our evaluation of the serious issues facing the Northwest MEC have come to pass! It seems Albert threatened to resign earlier but was convinced to stay by MEC President Kevin Griffith......until another day. Well, that day has now arrived!! The House of Cards Built by AFA continues to collapse...........

Less than a month later, Albert Garcia seems to have had his fill of the childish antics of a few of the LEC officials and has determined that working within the AFA Structure is not possible for the majority of the Northwest Airlines LEC dictators! They and their gun slinging mentality, simply don't get it........the desperatos blame everyone but themselves!

Outsiders have been preaching for months that the few are ruining it for the majority and the House of AFA was beginning to crumble! Seems the previous petty in house fights between LEC and their members is just the beginning.....the upper levels of the MEC are starting to falter as well....

Classic case: Too Many Gun-Toting Cowboys and Not Enough Indians, in a town without a Sheriff. Seems that MEC President Kevin Griffith had been holding things together but due to family illness, his absence has permitted lawlessness to reign.

Many of the LEC common diatribes directed to dissenting voices: "my way or the highway" "just the way it is" or "pack your bags!" This behavior from your elected union officials toward one a most critical time in our future! You deserve better. These lawless desperados have created havoc within the House of AFA.

Guess it was not all it was cracked up to be at AFA, "the flight attendant union"; we have seen and done better ourselves. When will AFA understand it is the undemocratic structure of decisionmaking that is the problem??

And as Albert Garcia packs his saddle bags and heads to Washington, maybe the LEC-MEC will get their sh#* together. Not likely, though. You heard it here First: Expect even more resignations to come!

In the mean time, there is a reward being offered by AFA for the return of AFA Poster Boy, Albert Garcia

Back in the Saddle Again: And the AFA Wild, Wild West Show Continues..........


Anonymous said...


I did not resign as VP as a result of my discontent with our union on any level. I resigned due to the fact that we are busy with several legislative initiatives (e.g. FMLA, FAA reauthorization bill, merger etc.). These legislative initiatives could not be ignored and I feel that they take precedent at the moment as they will have an impact on our lives for years to come. In addition I will very much be involved in the Presidential election and need to focus my attention on electing a working families friendly Congress and administration.

If you would like a copy of my resignation letter, I will be glad to provide it to you or any member.

The "WANTED" poster is a bit offensive Michael. I am not your enemy or an outlaw on the run.

With respect -


Michael Lehr said...

My goal is to inform not offend. I hope the changes meet your satisfaction. Best, Michael

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michael. I just don't want my actions to be misunderstood or misinterpreted. I am a unionist at heart and have always paid my dues and have always supported and respected the will of the majority, whether I personally agreed or not. Although I may have some issue with statements made in this blog and others from time to time, you will not find a greater champion of freedom of speech than me. I feel there is a place and a need for this type of platform and welcome the opportunity given to our members to express their concerns, fears and thoughts. Kate can attest to that. It is and has always been my intention to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Whatever anyone thinks of me, and believe me when I tell you that I have had my share of ugliness thrown my way - I know in my heart what is true.

With utmost respect


Anonymous said...


I too had residual vacation days available after leaving Union Office in October of 2004. I chose the first week of December as I believed that to do otherwise would have given the appearance of impropriety.

Evidently the folks at AFA have no such ethics.

Amy Morton

Michael Lehr said...

Dear Amy,

Thank so much for writing! I am certain you are referring to my Nov/Dec 2008 Albert Garcia blog entitled "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". I agree with you and that is the reason I blogged on the issue of union officials taking "UB" days during the holiday (vacation days or not!). It truly has the appearance of impropriety and it is an OUTRAGEOUS abuse that the flight attendants should NOT tolerate from any union official. This abuse clearly violates the rights and fairness of our working colleagues. It is time these AFA scoundrels and scallywags be held accountable! By the way, ethics or ethical behavior have NEVER been associated with AFA....highly unlikely they even get the concept.

