Keeping YOU, in the Dark....

Have you noticed the flurry of communications from AFA, of late? It seems some union officials are irate that you now have the knowledge alongside the Delta "Policy Manual". Knowledge is power. And a power AFA does not want you to have!! Make up your own mind........In order to counteract any negative feelings or doubts you may have regarding the Delta Rules and Regulations, AFA Communications have gone on full alert. Have you ever received so much propaganda from AFA since coming on this property? No. Has AFA ever been willing to address your concerns? Never. Has AFA ever adequately communicated a strategy with you? No way. Well, now that YOU have the knowledge (Delta "Policy Manual") AFA is suddenly feeling the heat. They even created a merger question and answer e-mail!!! The heat is on........ and they are doing everything possible to interpret and influence your thought. But you decide! You have the information

Did you know your MEC was meeting in Minneapolis today? It appears part of keeping any membership informed is to publish an agenda and any possible action items which may take place that could potentially effect the everyday lives of the members. This MEC has once again failed to keep you, the member, informed. By neglect or potentially purposely failing to publish an agenda, AFA continues to operate their political games and back door schemes without full disclosure to it's members. That's it....keeping you in the dark!

AFA remains prideful of membership involvement and "volunteering" while secretly creating new positions within the union and naming a new "chair" of a committee, just about every month. At YOUR expense. Professing to be the all "inclusive" union, while quietly excluding others that may disagree with AFA practices. Rewarding political favors while shunning others who may have more experience or more fairly represent the best interest of the entire group. Let's take a closer look.....

It is no secret, after AFA raided the property, Danny Campbell and Mollie Reilley failed to be elected as MEC of NWA-AFA, both were quietly rewarded a postion at AFA. Both have spent nearly 9 months attempting to organize the Delta flight attendants, and finally collected enough cards to call for an election, just last week. Who is paying their salaries and expenses???? YOU These same two individuals, who you did not elect to an AFA position; you are paying for anyways. Sound like political favors?? or sorta like a just can't seem to get rid of!

Does AFA think they are going to win this Delta organizing attempt?? No way and they published their own doubts, right here for all to see.......Refer to "Merger Q & A "(e-mail 19 Feb 2008 from AFA Communications) Response to Question 13 includes:

We should be just as focused, first on winning the Delta election and, if that doesn't work, then on winning when there's a representation vote for the combined workforce when the merger takes place."

If that doesn't work........Hmmm. Sounds pretty doubtful to me! How many attempts to organize Delta Airlines has AFA orchestrated? And how many of the previous attempts have failed? All of them. -Delta Airlines flight attendants do not want AFA! And they do not seem the least bit intimidated by the AFA fearmongering.....

Speaking of bad colds. For those who have been around for a while, does the name Bruce Retrum ring a bell??? For those who may not know, he was another power hungry former IBT (Teamsters) union official who often times was accused of not operating in the best interest of the NWA group. Leased Cadillacs and office furniture. Well,..... He's back!! Yes, YOU continue to pay his salary every month, as he completes the work on that contract promised to you more than 6 months ago!! Bruce, along with former IBT cohort Lovey "I Married Well" Offerle continue the work on the printed contract. This is starting to resemble a government contract......over budget with excruciating delays!! How much has this tragic contract ordeal cost this membership??? Speaking of which, have you asked your AFA NWA MEC Where is the contract??

And finally, with the recent merger events President Kevin Griffith has invited former union officials to a roundtable discussion on the merger possibilities. Let me tell you, it was not without fierce pressure and outrage that this event was even scheduled to occur. The SCOPE (by far, voted by the FA's in the contract survey as the most important issue) language protections that this group faces with a potential merger were to be discussed. However, due to internal bickering and politics certain individuals were not going to be invited.........including the one individual who has consistently, for over 30 years, fought for SCOPE protections in the flight attendant contracts. She has previously negotiated that language and probably understands it better than anyone. She and former PFAA President Guy Meek have been on the battleground for industry leading SCOPE language for years.

So, the challenge remains. In order for this union to remain transparent and visible for all to see, we must challenge our elected officials to stand up for the entire groups' best interest. In order for true democracy to take place within our union, we must fight for active inclusion for all and not allow the political squabbling to continue to erode the best interest of the collective group. We must begin to demand meeting agendas and hold all of our AFA leaders accountable. Only then can real democracy and not political favors contol our destiny.
UPDATE: AFA has now sent Danny Campbell back to AverageJoe Website to once again begin his propaganda postings; after a lengthy absence. And Mr. Campbell is now offering to send the Delta Policy Manual via e-mail.
WHY the change Danny? Did you not have the Delta policy manual long ago? like maybe last year! It wasn't good enough to give to the members back then, WHY now?
Little late ....AFA has already lost its credibility. This blog began posting the Delta information way back on February 5th. Did we reveal the secret, AFA wanted to withold from the membership???

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